
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Student Success Statement
"I'm not bound to win,but I am bound to be true.I must stand with anybody that stands right and stand with him while he is right,and part with him when he goes wrong."
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Abraham Lincoln
Reflection:I agree with this quote.I think that this was really strongly worded and that Lincoln REALLY believed in what he said.He was a man of high class and a gentlemen at that.The fact that he pledge's to do what is right,keeps his promises,and tells nothing,but the truth says a lot.He strongly believed in this and made it a mission to keep this.It takes a lot to do this let alone promise something this big.
                                                                           April Fool's
April Fool's day take place on April 1st.
No one really knows how or why April Fool's was started.
According to popular lore,some folks,out of ignorance continued to ring in the New Year on the first of april and were made jokes of on account of their foolishness.
 The pro and cons of April Fool's:
You could get a good laugh
Have a little fun
Get to be goofy for a day without the pestering of people
Someone can prank you,possibly really bad
Humiliation,if pranked
Having people laugh at you,if pranked

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Student Success Statement

"Character is higher than intellect."

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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reflection:I never found how smart a person was to be important nor did I see it as a way to letting it define them.People often base an individual's status off of their intellect which I find rather wrong.Though a person is smart this does not necessarily mean they are a kind person.Smart people are not alway nice.They can be stuck up and crude,behaving as if they are more intellectual superior than everyone else.This is also something I find rather tedious in my opinion.If being intellectual superior than everyone else means you have to be a cruel,distasteful person then I do NOT recommend it.

Health Science Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities:Provides access to medical information through books,pamphlets,journals,tapes,multi-media presentations and the internet.
Education:Must graduate from highschool and have a bachelor's degree 
Add A Picture:Image result for Health Science Librarian
Reflection:Do you think you would like to be one?Why or Why not?
I suppose the job is ok,though I am not quite sure if th is particular occupation is for me.Yes,I do love books quite the bit,but it would be rather tiresome rereading the same material over and over.It also seems tedious having to explain things to people more than once.The pay is good,but I don't see   me working here nor do I see myself loving this job.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Student Success Statement

"I trust that my hard work will pay off. "

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Tyler Haws

Reflection:I think this is quite the statement,especially considering that his hard work did in fact pay off.He did rather well for himself because of his hard work.I believe that anyone can reach their  goals as long as they put enough work into doing so.Currently I am trying my best as a highschool student to meet the standards of an elite university and a pre-grade.To do say will require a lot of time,dedication and work,but it will be worth it in the end.Doing this will help pave out a better path for me in the future and if I didn't do it I'd probably regret it knowing that I CAN do it.


A philosopher is well someone who studies philosophy.The word "philosopher" comes from Ancient Greek and means "lover of wisdom."A Philosopher is a person who contributes to the fields of aesthetics,ethics,epistemology,logic,metaphysics,social theory,and political philosophy.There are also many other fields that are related to philosophy.What most philosophers do as some people may know is ask very deep intellectual questions that question the meaning of life itself and beliefs as well as views.We can't pinpoint where the exact location of this idea started,but philosophy was seen a lot in the medieval days and in Greece.I'd like to think of philosophers as out of the box thinkers with extremely unique,complex ways of looking at life.Some famous philosophers include Plato,Socrates,Aristotle,Friedrich  Nietzsche,Issac Newton,Albert Einstein,and even Thomas Jefferson.I really think philosophy is something that is quite important to have in life and essential for out worldly thinkers.It gives us a new perspective in life and helps us elaborate some very strange explanations to why some things are the way they are.Philosophy is so popular that it actually has been mentioned in a lot of modern day famous shows,books,etc.What some people may or may not know is that philosophy ties into alchemy.Alchemist use the properties of philosophy to have a better understanding of alchemy.Alchemy is basically magic but more science related than anything.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My Inner Thoughts

Hello,my name is Ana and I am the owner of this blog.What is currently on my mind is Pizza.I am hungry...please excuse me.SO what I'm really here writing is not because of my obsession for pizza or how I'm REALLY hungry and could go for some,but to explain my inner thoughts.Now one of my most favorite things in philosophy,sociology,theories and conspiracies.Since I'm am trapped in my own cranium,my explanations won't be of much use,but I will try my best.Now one thing I wanted to share today is,Where is the line between creativity and insanity.Ever see those really really weird pictures or movies and it kind of get you thinking how someone could have ever thought something up like that?Is it the because we are really creative and that the human brain is such a wonder that we are unlimited to the amount of things we can do or is it because our minds are just borderline crazy?Think about it for a bit.Some other things that have gnawed at my innards is what's the difference between living and being alive?Another one being,Who decides what morality is?I believe just because we breathe,eat talk,and can think doesn't make us anymore human than the next guy nor does it make us "alive".I can tie this to that inner empty felling that some people get where you tend to feel very hollow and numb to your surroundings,though you have everything a person needs.I say this because..well I can relate.Not that I am a depressed or anything,I'm just generally unpleased with everything that's around me and I don't know exactly why.Okay so now onto morality.Honestly,who was the person that made right right and wrong wrong?WHo are we to define what is right and wrong?Maybe what is right to me,is wrong to you?So how do you know?Well I'm running out of time here so thanks for putting up with my pointless ranting.
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