
Thursday, February 26, 2015


Duties And Responsibilities:A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument or is musically talented in some type of way.This can range from simply playing an instrument,conducting music,writing songs,or just singing.
Salary:A musicians salary depends on how much merchandise they sell,how many concerts,live shows they do and  how famous they are.
Education:To be a musician an education isn't really required,but it would look good on you and it's nice to have something to fall back on in case this doesn't work out.
Add a Picture:Image result for tumblr kurt cobainImage result for tumblr dave grohlImage result for jim morrison tumblr
Image result for led zeppelin tumblrImage result for jeff hannemanImage result for tumblr matt tuck bullet for my valentine

Reflection:Do you think you would like to be one why or why not?

I have such a strong unbreakable passion for music and it would be the best thing ever if I were to get paid for doing something I love.This is most definitely my dream job!I want to be one of the greats,I want to go down in the Rock hall of fame.I want my music to move people in a way where it emotionally touches their heats and means something more to them.My favorite genre is Rock and mostly any type of Metal.Indie and alternative is pretty cool too.I just hope that one day I can be somebody that people look up to and aspire to be because you gave them inspiration and the drive to follow their path.

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